Project of Tianjin Sinopec Great Wall Lubricating Oil Factory

Industry Overview

According to the White Paper on Low Carbon Development of Petrochemical Industry - For Carbon Neutrality in 2060, published by Sinopec Research Institute of Petroleum Processing in 2022, China's annual carbon emissions in petroleum refining and chemical production are nearly 600 million tons -- accounting for nearly 6% of the country's total carbon emissions. Therefore, carbon emission reduction is a realistic and urgent task for the petrochemical industry.

Project Overview

Tianjin Sinopec Great Wall Lubricating Oil Factory has been considering ways to efficiently enable energy conservation and carbon reduction during production. In March 2019, the distributed wind power project by Tianjin Sinopec Great Wall Lubricating Oil Factory and Goldwind went into operations, becoming the first distributed wind power project officially implemented in Tianjin.

Annual green power generated
5.7 million kWh
Annual carbon emissions reduced by
4,850 tons
Annual electricity expense saved Over
530,000 RMB

Zero-carbon Solution for Parks

Green energy supply system

Distributed wind power generation capacity
Distributed PV power generation system

Features of smart zero carbon projects

Customized nacelle and blades
High silencing and deicing performance
Blade management
Prevention of flickering light and shadow

Customer Feedback

“Goldwind's professional and efficient zero-carbon solution helped us produce green energy, giving us a competitive edge.”

---------- Tianjin Sinopec Great Wall Lubricating Oil Factory