Zero-carbon Park Project of Jiangsu CRRC Dafeng Offshore Wind Power Industrial Park

As a developed province on the eastern coast of China, Jiangsu has always ranked first in China in terms of power consumption and power grid load. It has also long faced challenges with high traditional power consumption, poor sourcing of energy, and the high pressure of emission and carbon reduction. In response to national policies, Jiangsu CRRC Electric Co., Ltd. partnered with Goldwind to plan, design, and implement a carbon neutral park, helping it achieve carbon neutrality in 2020. Prior to that, the Goldwind-designed distributed smart microgrid in the park was completed in March 2015. With the gradual implementation of Goldwind’s zero carbon solution, the ratio of green power in the park has increased and carbon emissions have decreased to achieve carbon neutrality.

Annual power generation capacity of renewable energy Over
53.6 million kWh
Annual power generation capacity of renewable energy Over
17.35 %
Carbon emissions reduced by using green power Over
38,000 tons per year

Zero-carbon Solution for Parks

Green energy supply system

Distributed wind power generation capacity
Distributed PV power generation system

Features of smart zero carbon projects

Smart energy storage system
Energy and carbon platform
Energy and carbon platform
Chinese Certified Emission Reduction(CCER)

Customer Feedback

“Jiangsu CRRC Dafeng Offshore Wind Power Industrial Park's leadership in achieving carbon neutrality has been a monumental step in achieving Jiangsu Province’s carbon peak and carbon neutrality goals, and it promoted the benefits of curbing carbon emissions in smart micro-grid application scenarios. In the future, we [CRRC] look forward to further cooperation with Goldwind in zero carbon projects to continue working toward the national goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality.”

---------- Jiangsu CRRC Dafeng Offshore Wind Power Industrial Park