
Goldwind Australia – Moorabool Wind Farm community fund supports eight community initiatives with more than $120,000
Source: 金风科技

Moorabool Wind Farm today announced the support of eight community initiatives with more than $120,000 as part of its ongoing community funding.

Helen Kennedy, Community Engagement Manager for Moorabool Wind Farm said that it was pleasing to see the next round of the projects’ community fund distributed to projects and initiatives that help build strong and sustainable communities.

“A community fund assessment panel, made up of five locals from the Ballan, Mt Egerton and Morrisons areas reviewed submissions for funding for a number of projects and initiatives from community groups,” said Ms Kennedy.

“After much consideration, funding was allocated to eight of those initiatives that will make a positive and enduring contribution to our local community,” said Ms Kennedy.

Assessment panel representative Joy Price was pleased to see a range of local community organisations benefit from Moorabool Wind Farm Community Fund.

“Moorabool Wind Farm is a long-term project in our local area, and it is pleasing to see them support local initiatives and projects that contribute to a healthy, vibrant and sustainable community,” said Ms Price.

The eight local initiatives that have received full or partial funding for their projects or initiatives are:

  • Fire Brigade Fire Fighting Equipment for the Mount Egerton Fire Brigade, Mount Egerton
  • Sports, Recreation and Community Hub Kitchen Facility Upgrade at the Ballan Recreation Reserve, Ballan
  • Ballan Station Native Grassland Project for the Ballan Stationeers, Ballan
  • Two new trap houses for the Ballark and District Gun Club, Morrisons
  • Energy efficiency upgrade at Gordon Public Park Hall at the Gordon Public Park Reserve, Gordon
  • Nursery renovation to assist in landscape regeneration for the Moorabool Landcare Network, Glenmore
  • Community social lunches for the Meredith Community Centre, Meredith
  • Pedestrian Bridges for the Ballan Golf Club, Ballan

“Funding for the Ballan Station Native Grasslands Project helps us increase local habitat biodiversity and raise awareness of the importance of remnant grasslands within the community. We appreciate the support Moorabool Wind Farm is providing,” said Mike Vale, Ballan Stationeers Co-ordinator.

“Having a modern renovated kitchen at the Ballan Recreation Reserve is fantastic for the many local community members who will use this space. The committee is very grateful for the generous funding provided by Moorabool Wind Farm,” said Billy Smith, President Ballan Recreation Reserve Committee of Management.

Goldwind would like to thank the local volunteer community fund assessment panel for their help in this round of community fund submission assessments.

To date, Moorabool Wind Farm has invested more than $450,000 in the local community through its community funding, local sponsorships, and community partnerships.

Connection and hold point testing activities are now underway at Moorabool Wind Farm following completion of construction activities. Once fully operational, the 312MW Moorabool Wind Farm will produce emission-free energy to power approximately 228,000 Victorian homes and will employ about 20 permanent local staff to undertake site management, operation, and maintenance work.

More information on the Moorabool Wind Farm community funding can be found on the project website (