
Goldwind Australia – Stockyard Hill Wind Farm achieves hold point one status
Source: 金风科技

Goldwind Australia today announced that Stockyard Hill Wind Farm, located 35 kilometres west of Ballarat in Victoria, has passed its first hold point test, and is now approved by the Australian Energy Market Operator

(AEMO) and Network Services Provider (NSP) to generate up to 30MW into the National Electricity Market (NEM).

Stockyard Hill Wind Farm has now been registered at 286MW by the Australian Energy Market Operator and has passed the first hold point test,” said John Titchen, Managing Director of Goldwind Australia.

“The project will now proceed with the testing process at several incremental output levels. The process for registration at full capacity is also in progress,” said Mr Titchen.

“We are delighted to be witnessing the realisation of our hard work and planning. Stockyard Hill is a mammoth project that will be instrumental in providing sustainable energy to residences throughout the region,” said Khalid M. Jolo, CEO of Nebras Power.

Once operational, Stockyard Hill Wind Farm will power the equivalent of 425,000 Victorian homes and is expected to employ 25 permanent staff.