
Goldwind Australia - Gullen Range Wind Farm PAC Approval
Source: 金风科技

The NSW Planning Assessment Commission (PAC) has approved the modification application for approval of the ‘as built’ wind farm layout. This decision is conclusive and follows a lengthy and thorough process. Some modifications and additions to Project Approval conditions were made by PAC. These requirements will be adopted by the project.

Gullen Range Wind Farm has always maintained that the project, as constructed, was consistent with the original Project Approval and that no modification was required. However, in the spirit of cooperation, Gullen Range Wind Farm lodged the modification application. The determination of the modification application puts this matter beyond doubt. Since becoming fully operational in December 2014, Gullen Range Wind Farm has been operating well and much has been achieved:

  • 311 GWh of renewable energy has been produced in the first 8 months of 2015
  • Safety performance has been excellent
  • A successful community open day was held on 18 April 2015
  • The Bannister Hall was donated to the community as a facility for community meetings and as a Rural Fire Service coordination point
  • The community fund and associated clean energy program commenced
  • Operational Noise Monitoring was successfully completed, demonstrating that the project complies with operational noise conditions contained in the Project Approval
  • Road rehabilitation was completed
  • The Landscape Plan has been substantially implemented
  • An $80,000 contribution was committed towards a new TV tower in Crookwell. We welcome the subsequent commitment by the Australian Government to fund the tower. We will consult with the community on the best way to apply the funds committed by Gullen Range Wind Farm.

A Community Consultative Committee will now be established to provide a forum for open discussion between representatives of Gullen Range Wind Farm, the community, the council and other stakeholders on issues directly relating to the wind farm, its environment performance and community relations, keep the community informed about these matters. This will be in addition to regular project newsletters, annual open days and email/phone/website communication channels.